Instead of Absolutes | YouTube

Noom’s biggest competition? The endless rabbit hole of information touted by influencers big and small. 

Our research showed that consumers are overwhelmed by all of the things they MUST do in order to reach their weigh loss goals, as described by the friendly faces they see daily in their social feeds. Piecing together workouts, nutrition hearsay, and the latest-and-greatest fads leave weight loss seekers feeling exhausted and like they are on a hamster wheel.

For this YouTube ad series we decided to take DIY approaches head-on. By mirroring the feelings our potential new users most certainly experience, we were able to build trust and demonstrate that Noom gets it–and offers a better way. Through this test we learned that a comedic approach works. This series drove significant sign-ups for Noom, and over time iterations of these spots allowed us to improve conversion rates by honing in even deeper on what types of ‘fad diets’ resonated the most with consumers.