Hi, I’m Grazina.
I’m an optimist and a problem solver.
My work is based in observing, collecting, and understanding. I focus my craft on connecting brands and people in innovative ways, but it doesn’t always have to be complicated. I advocate for engaging consumers meaningfully with a goal to create moments of trust that lead to lasting relationships between brands and their audiences.
Creative Direction + Strategy
I’ve been working in advertising since 2008 and have been on the cusp of all things culture from day one. I’ve made homes agency side, brand side, and, yes, platform side. These different experiences have armed me with a laser sharp perspective that’s unique and effective. I hold a high bar for insight driven work. The way I see it, strategy is as important as craft.
As a creative leader I focus on empowerment, mentorship, and play. As a creative partner I work collaboratively to deliver high performing work and achieve business results.
I’m passionate about making people think twice about brands, especially the underdogs.
Currently I’m at Noom helping people find their way to living a healthy life.
Let’s connect! grazinasnipas@gmail.com